免費的Senseo 咖啡 及 獲取Senseo咖啡機的聯結 (北美網友適用)
在去年, 我曾在網路論壇上看到Senseo 贈送免費飛利浦咖啡機的討論, 透過連結點過去, 填個問卷, 大概過了一兩個月後, 就收到一台看起來還蠻炫的Senseo 咖啡機, 以及2包試用的咖啡包.
這台咖啡機在Wal-Mart大概要價 70美金...算是中價位的咖啡機. 但, 這咖啡機有什麼特別的呢? 就請看網友Blog的分享: 免費的單杯咖啡機及 得來不易的咖啡機.
個人認為這部咖啡機還蠻好用的, 雖然咖啡不便宜, 大概和星巴克的咖啡豆同價位...後來我還想多申請幾個, 可惜, 該連結已經失效了. 昨天, 在我訂閱的 Zagat Buzz 中, 又看到贈送免費咖啡(上面說保證可獲得)以及咖啡機(依照問卷填寫狀況而定)的聯結了. 聯結就是點選最下面的圖案 (或 http://www.sharesenseo.com/index.jsp?q=a-zagat ).
當然, 咖啡機會因你填問卷的狀況而決定給不給你.. 有什麼訣竅嗎? 基本上, 若你消費很多咖啡, 而且常和人交談, 並有定期的社交活動, 則對 Senseo來說, 你就是潛在的客戶, 他們會願意寄一台免費的咖啡機給你(但運費要自付, USD $15), 以後再慢慢從你消費的咖啡賺回來就是了...
Thank you for expressing interest in the Senseo® Coffee Pod System.
Congratulations! You are eligible to receive a FREE Senseo® Coffee Pod System through the Share Senseo® promotion.
This promotion provides an exclusive Share Senseo® kit, which includes:
- FREE Senseo® Coffee Pod System
- Bag of Senseo® coffee pods
- Senseo® Coffee Pod Canister for easy pod storage and long-lasting freshness
- 5 $20-off Senseo® coffee machine cards to share with friends and family
- Coupon for $1 off any frozen Sara Lee® dessert
As a participant of the Share Senseo® promotion, you will receive over $70 worth of Senseo® products for FREE (plus S&H) to enjoy with your friends and family!
We need your shipping and billing information in order to send your Share Senseo® kit. Please visit the Internet address below to provide it:
Please read the instructions on this page carefully. Each invited email address can register one time only. Once it is used, it cannot be used again.
Therefore, do not post or provide your invited email address to others because if someone uses it to register before you do, then you will not be allowed to register again. To prevent fraud and protect your information, we will not allow for multiple registrations under one invited email address. There will be no exceptions to this policy.
After completing your registration, you will receive an automated email confirming your information was received. Your Senseo® Coffee Pod System should then arrive in about 4-6 weeks.
We respect your privacy. The registration page is a secure link and your mailing information will only be used for this promotion.
This is a limited time offer. You must register within the next 7 days. We cannot guarantee availability of Senseo® Coffee Pod Systems after this 7-day period.
Thanks again for your interest.
The Share Senseo® Team