免費的Senseo 沁心濃咖啡機又來了...(美國地區網友適用)
長話短說,透過這聯結填問卷,有機會得到免費咖啡機 http://www.sharesenseo.com/index.jsp?q=e-p3
詳情呢,請參考舊文免費的Senseo 咖啡 及 獲取Senseo咖啡機的聯結 (北美網友適用),裡面也提到如何「有技巧的填問卷」,以獲得免費咖啡機。
We hope you have been enjoying your Senseo® Coffee Pod System. Now that you have had your machine for a few months, we'd love to hear your final feedback on the product and Share Senseo® program. Please tell us your thoughts on the coffee, how you have been using the machine and any interesting stories you have to share.
Take a few minutes to share your opinions by completing a short survey. 網址隱去
Also, if anyone you know would like the chance to participate in the Share Senseo® promotion, please send them the following URL. Once they complete the short survey, we'll notify them if they are selected.
Thank you for your interest and participation. Your feedback is important to us.
The Share Senseo® Team
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© 2007 Sara Lee Corporation and Philips Electronics North America Sara Lee Corporation - 3500 Lacey Road - Downers Grove, IL 60515